Sheboygan is located 50 miles north of Milwaukee on the shores
of Lake Michigan, was settled primarily by German, Irish and Dutch
immigrants in the 1840s and 1850s. Jewish settlers arrived in the
1880s from an area east of Vilnius in the region that is today
Belarus. Other Lithuanians, their interest aroused by friends already
in the United States, followed. Sheboygan became a destination
because its numerous growing industries, chair factories in particular,
provided well paying jobs. By 1903, the Lithuanian Catholic community
in Sheboygan had grown sufficiently that a congregation for Lithuanian
-speaking Catholics was formed, with 35 families and 50 individuals
as members; the name
Immaculate Conception Church was chosen. The first pastor
was Rev. Casimer Ambrozaitis. Church members were buried at Calvary
Cemetery until land for the parish cemetery was purchased in 1929.
Weeden Creek Road (County Road EE), between South 12th Street and Lake Shore
Drive, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Unless noted otherwise, the records in this database include those up through
January 2005. |
Connected successfully A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Original View( Total Number of Records in Database:
Daniels, Marianne Birth: 26-Sep-1939 Death: Burial: Inscription/Remarks: Daugird, Mary Birth: 1911 Death: 06-Jul-2001 Burial: 10-Jul-2001 Inscription/Remarks: Desmond, Joseph Birth: 1889 Death: 13-May-1955 Burial: 16-May-1955 Inscription/Remarks: alt. spelling = Dvilaitis | | | Danksas, Frank Birth: 22-Dec-1890 Death: 25-Jan-1968 Burial: 27-Jan-1968 Inscription/Remarks: Davis, James Birth: 1924 Death: Burial: Inscription/Remarks: Desmond, Mary Birth: 1893 Death: 10-Feb-1953 Burial: 13-Feb-1953 Inscription/Remarks: alt. spelling = Dvilaitis | | | Daugird, Apollonia Birth: 1882 Death: 1911 Burial: Inscription/Remarks: Davis, Nathan William Birth: 10-Oct-1972 Death: 07-Sep-1986 Burial: 10-Sep-1986 Inscription/Remarks: Diener, Anna M. Birth: 03-May-1917 Death: 01-Apr-2001 Burial: 04-Apr-2001 Inscription/Remarks: | | | Daugird, Frank Birth: 1905 Death: 15-Dec-1976 Burial: 18-Dec-1976 Inscription/Remarks: Debrauski, Marie Birth: 11-May-1905 Death: 31-Jul-2003 Burial: 04-Aug-2003 Inscription/Remarks: Drasutis, Joseph Birth: 1889 Death: 29-Jan-1967 Burial: 31-Jan-1967 Inscription/Remarks: | | | Daugird, Frank Birth: 1867 Death: 07-Sep-1940 Burial: Inscription/Remarks: Debrauski, Stanley Birth: 17-July-1902 Death: 19-May-1990 Burial: 24-May-1990 Inscription/Remarks: Drasutis, Joseph C. Birth: 16-Jan-1921 Death: 23-Sep-1979 Burial: 25-Sep-1979 Inscription/Remarks: Tech5 US Army World War II | | | Daugird, John Birth: 1883 Death: 1933 Burial: Inscription/Remarks: FatherDedinas, Frank Birth: 16-Sep-1888 Death: 12-Dec-1963 Burial: 13-Dec-1963 Inscription/Remarks: alt. spelling = DedynasDrasutis, Josephine Birth: 1896 Death: 12-Jul-1988 Burial: 15-Jul-1988 Inscription/Remarks: | | | Today is Friday 28th of March 2025 03:33:27 pm (server time)
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