St. Joseph’s Lithuanian
Roman Catholic Church
Mahanoy City, PA:
A List of Parishioners Who Have Paid the Fee for the
Year 1923
By Diane (Bernota, Kerelevicius)
This database of 650 names was taken from the 35th
anniversary program for St. Joseph’s Church in Mahanoy City,
PA, the town’s Lithuanian parish. The list is of parish
members who paid the annual fee for that year. All of the names
on the list are male, and no indication is given of household
size or of relationship among parishioners with the same name.
Where there were people with the same name, the roster identified
them by number (I, II, III) but with no indication of relationship.
The program was published September 30, 1923, the
35th anniversary of the laying of the church’s cornerstone
by Archbishop P.J. Ryan of Philadelphia. It also contains a history
of the parish illustrated with photographs.
St. Joseph’s is still an active parish in
the diocese of Allentown and is located at 614 W Mahanoy Ave,
Mahanoy City, PA 17948. The current contact is Rev. Msgr.Anthony
Wassel. Phone: (570) 773-2771 Fax: (570) 773-1937.
Additional information on Mahanoy City Lithuanians
is available in the St. Joseph’s Cemetery database compiled by Jay Zane, Esq.
In August 1888, Archbishop Ryan assigned Father Petras Ambromaitis to
organize a Lithuanian parish for the Mahanoy City community. Four plots
of land at West Mahanoy Avenue and C Street were purchased for $3600.
The church was dedicated by Archbishop Ryan on June 9, 1893. The church
is Gothic in style, and is 100 feet long and 54 feet wide. It was built
at a cost of $40,000. The rectory was built in 1894 at a cost of $6000
and the school in 1907 at a cost of $15,000.
The pastors of St. Joseph’s and their terms of service
for the first 35 years were:
Father Petras Ambromaitis: (photo
August 1888 to December 31, 1893 |
Father V. Dargis:
October 10, 1911 to March 15, 1916 |
Father S. Pautenius:
January 1, 1894 to May 24, 1908 |
Father Jer. Valaitis:
March 17, 1916 to November 9, 1916 |
Father Petras Ambromaitis:
May 24, 1908 to May 12, 1910 |
Father P. Augustaitis:
November 9, 1916 to April 30, 1920 |
Father S. Pautenius:
May 12, 1910 to October 10, 1911 |
Father P. Cesna:
took office on May 1, 1920 |
In 1923 there were eleven parish societies, including
an adult choir with 62 members, and a children’s choir.
A high point of the parish’s modern history was
the visit of Mother Teresa of Calcutta on June 17, 1995. She was accompanied
by Bishop Thomas J. Welsh of the Allentown Diocese and 25 priests and
Additional pictures
Front of St. Joseph's Church
| Old St. Joseph's Cemetery
| Angel marker
Connected successfully A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Original View (Total Number of Records in Database:
Kalėda, Jurgis Kazlauskas, Juozas Kristupavycius, Jurgis | | | Kalinauskas, Juozas Kazlauskas, Pranas Kriukas, Jonas | | | Kaminskas, Antanas Keiser, Juozas Kriusevyčius, Motiejus | | | Kaminskas, Jonas Kelmelis, Stasys Krivas, Juozas | | | Kaminskas, Pijus Keras, Pranas KruÅ¡inskas, Juozas | | | Kancevyčius, Pranas Kinauskas, Jurgis Krypas, Antanas | | | Kančys, Kazys Kiniauskas, Kazys Kubertavyčius, Petras | | | Kaperas, Petras Kiniauskas, Pranas Kubilius, Petras | | | Karalevyčius, Juozas Kinkus, Antanas Kubilius, Stasys | | | Karanauskas, Antanas Kisielius, Andrius Kubilius, Vincas | | | KaraÅ¡auskas, Juozas Kižys, Adomas Kulinskas, Antanas | | | KaraÅ¡auskas, Petras Klapatauskas, Stasys Kulinskas, Jonas | | | Karekis, Jurgis KlimaÅ¡aitis, Antanas Kunauskas, Kazys | | | Karkauskas, Zigmas KlimaÅ¡auskas, Anufras Kundrota, Jonas | | | Karnaziejus, Jonas Klimčauskas, Jurgis Kundrotas, Julius | | | Kasparavyčius, Juozas IKlimontavyčius, Mikas Kunickas, Jeronimas | | | Kasparavyčius, Juozas IIKlusinskas, Alexandras Kuodis, Simonas | | | Kasparavyčius, Juozas IIIKmičaitis, Petras Kuržinskas, Povilas | | | Katarskis, Antanas Kralikas, Motiejus Kuzmickas, Jonas | | | Kaunas, Viktoras Kranauskas, Antanas Kvasauskas, Justinas | | | KauÅ¡as, Juozas Krapaitis, Jurgis Kvasauskas, Vincas | | | KauÅ¡as, Petras Krasauskas, Juozas Kvedaras, Motiejus | | | Kazakevyčius, Adomas Krasnickas, Jurgis Kvedera, Vincas | | | Kazakevyčius, Juozas Krasnickas, Pranas Kvietelaitis, Juozas | | | Kazilionis, Juozas Kriačiunas, Kazys , | | | Kazlauskas, Antanas Kristupavycius, Jonas , | | | Today is Friday 28th of March 2025 04:22:32 pm (server time)
If you have a database or information that you would like
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