This page contains an alphabetical listing of those buried at Liberty Cemetery of the Supreme Lodge of Lithuanians of America, Branch #4, in Shenandoah Heights, Pennsylvania. The cemetery is located in an isolated section to the northeast of Old St. George's Cemetery in West Mahanoy Township. Title to the Liberty Cemetery in Shenandoah Heights was taken in the name of "SOCIETY LAISVES LIETUVIU" on May 11, 1900. The officers were:
This cemetery was abandoned for years. Beginning in 1997, Rootsweb members initiated a letter-writing campaign to Schuylkill County Prison. In July of 1998, the prison responded by sending a volunteer prison work crew to clean-up the cemetery. We are grateful to all Rootsweb members and the Schuylkill County Prison. If you have additional information for any surname listed on this page
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