ROCKIN' 50's
Written By: Jay
R. Zane © 1998
Edited By: Laurel B. Schunk, Author, St. Kitt's Press
Let's go back
to 1957, the middle of the 1950's in the United States.
era called the 1950's actually began after the end of World War II and ended
on November 22, 1963 with the death of John F. Kennedy. The hula hoop made
its appearance on the scene and immediately captivated the hearts of the
baby boomers, who were listening to Elvis Presley's "Jailhouse Rock," the
number-one song that year. They were also watching "American Bandstand," which
went "coast-to-coast" after being a Pennsylvania phenomenon since 1952. At
the movies,
Michael Landon starred in "I Was a Teenage Werewolf," and the crowds hungered
for more of these B movies.
I remember
going to the Capitol Theater on North Main Street in Shenandoah that year
to see any horror or sci-fi movie that might be showing. I was probably wearing
my "Davy Crocket" hat, which my grandfather, Joe Saldukas, a Lithuanian immigrant,
had made for me; he made one, in fact, for all of his grandkids. You say
you never heard of Shenandoah, Pennsylvania? You never
heard of the "Vilnius of North America," as it has been referred to? Well, sit
back and I will tell you a short story to introduce you to the Lithuanian-American
colony that settled in this unusual metropolis, which has been referred to as
the "wildest western town east of the Mississippi."
"Shenandoah" is
a name of Indian origin. It supposedly means "sprucy
stream." I have no idea what a sprucy stream is. There certainly was nothing
resembling a sprucy stream in Shenandoah, PA, in the 1950's. it was incorporated
as a town in 1866, and the Lithuanians moved to the anthracite coal community
from Danville, Pa. The town's population density made it one of the most populated
areas in the world at the beginning of the twentieth century.
By 1869 the
Lithuanian community had grown rapidly; the immigrants, who were predominantly
Catholic, worshipped at various locations - St. Fidelis German Church in
Mahanoy City, Holy Family German Church in Shenandoah, and later St. Casimir's
on North Jardin Street, Shenandoah. This Church was erected by Lithuanians,
but due to the clergy's desire to unify the Polish and Lithuanian immigrants,
St. Casimir's was listed as a Polish Church in the diocese records. A controversy
ensued and on March 31, 1891, over 1,500 Lithuanians met at Robbin's Opera
House and officially formulated plans to erect a strictly Lithuanian Parish.
The Church would be
named St. George.
On October
26, 1891, the cornerstone was laid after a large parade of over 5,000 people
marched through the streets of Shenandoah. One of the most magnificent structures
in the community, St. George's Church stands at the corner of South Jardin
and Cherry Streets, where its two enormous towers can be seen from any point
in town. Although many nationalities settled in Shenandoah, one-fourth of
the population had Lithuanian roots.
Although the
Cold War was in progress and our enemy, the U.S.S.R., had just launched its
Sputnik, the Fifties in Shenandoah was a great time for a "baby boomer." Buddy
Holly! Silly Putty! Howdy Doody! Now, without further delay, we proudly present
the 1957 roll call of Parishioners of St. George's Lithuanian Roman Catholic
Connected successfully A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Refresh Database (Total Number of Records in Database:
Babarskis, (Mrs.) Adele Bendinsky, () Peter Boxter, () Michael | | | Babarsky, (Mrs.) Florence Benedict, (Mrs.) Anna Boxter, (Mrs.) Mildred | | | Babarsky, () John Benedict, () Anthony Boxter, (Mrs.) Victoria | | | Babarsky, () Joseph Benedict, (Miss) Bernardine Boxter, () William | | | Babarsky, (Mrs.) Mary Benedict, (Mrs.) Eva Boycheck, () Catherine | | | Babarsky, (Sr.) Theodore Benedict, (Miss) Helen Bozis, () Joseph | | | Babarsky, (Jr.) Theodore Benedict, (Mrs.) Mary Bozis, (Mrs.) Margaret | | | Babatsky, (Mrs.) Helen Benedict, (Mrs.) Petronella Braslosky, () Dominick | | | Babatsky, (Sr.) Joseph Beneshunas, () Mary Braslosky, () Peter | | | Babinchock, () Frank Beoris, () Mary Brazinsky, (Mrs.) Nellie | | | Bacevicz, (Jr.) Frank Beoris, (Miss) Wanda Brazinsky, (Sr.) Peter | | | Bachan, (Mrs.) Helen Bercofski, (Mrs.) Frances Brazinsky, (Jr.) Peter | | | Bachan, () Stanley Bercofski, (Sr.) Frank Brazosky, () Dominick | | | Bachike, (Mrs.) Antoinette Bernard, (Mrs.) Leona Brazosky, (Mrs.) Mary | | | Bachike, () Peter Bernard, () Pastula Bredickas, (Mrs.) Elizabeth | | | Bachike, () Thomas Bernat, (Mrs.) Frances Bredickas, () Victor | | | Bajoris, () Alex Bernat, (Sr.) Joseph Brenisholtz, (Mrs.) Dorothy | | | Bajoris, () Joseph Bernatavage, (Mrs.) Catherine Brogis, () John | | | Bajoris, (Mrs.) Josephine Bernatavicius, (Mrs.) Beatrice Brogis, (Mrs.) Magdalene | | | Baker, (Mrs.) Anna Bernatavicius, () Simon Brown, () Arthur | | | Baksa, () John Bernatonis, (Miss) Anna Brown, (Mrs.) Isabel | | | Baksa, (Mrs.) Mary Bernatonis, (Miss) Helen Brown, (Mrs.) Jean | | | Balchie, () Enoch Bernatonis, () John Brown, (Mrs.) Josephine | | | Baldigo, (Miss) Marie Bernatonis, (Mrs.) Julia Brozey, (Mrs.) Adele | | | Baldigo, (Mrs.) Violet Bernatonis, (Miss) Mary Brozey, () Edmund | | | Baldigo, () Zigmund Bernatonis, (Mrs.) Michaelina Brozosky, (Mrs.) Elizabeth | | | Balevage, (Mrs.) Mary Bernatonis, (Miss) Regina Brynarsky, (Mrs.) Anna | | | Baltuskevage, (Mrs.) Helen Bernatonis, (Mrs.) Rose Brynarsky, () Joseph | | | Baltuskevage, () Vincent Bernosky, () Anthony Bubnis, (Mrs.) Agnes | | | Banaszewski, () Anne Bernosky, (Mrs.) Catherine Bubnis, () Albert | | | Baney, (Mrs.) Eleanor Bernosky, () Elizabeth Bubnis, (Jr.) Anthony | | | Baney, () Harry Bernosky, (Mrs.) Florence Bubnis, () Joseph | | | Baninchock, (Mrs.) Evelyn Bernosky, () Frank Bubnis, () Leonard | | | Banonis, () Albert Bernosky, (Mrs.) Grace Bubnis, (Mrs.) Rose | | | Banonis, (Mrs.) Anna Bernosky, (Sr.) John Buchanan, () Helen | | | Banonis, (Mrs.) Anna Bernosky, () Joseph Buchinsky, () Alfred | | | Banonis, (Miss) Arlene Beruck, () Harry Buchinsky, (Sr.) John | | | Banonis, (Mrs.) Isabel Besky, () Ben Buchinsky, (Jr.) John | | | Banonis, (Sr.) Pierce Besky, () Mary Buchinsky, () Julia | | | Banonis, () Victor Bessaparis, (Mrs.) Eustishus Buchinsky, (Mrs.) Madeline | | | Baranauskas, (Jr.) Anthony Bessesparis, (Sr.) Constantine Buchonis, (Mrs.) Mickolina | | | Baranauskas, () John Bessesparis, (Mrs.) Helen Buchonis, () Paul | | | Baranauskas, (Mrs.) Mary Bessesparis, () William Budd, () Anastasia | | | Baranauskas, (Miss) Mary Bitcowsky, () George Budd, () Joseph | | | Barinas, (Mrs.) Margaret Bitcowsky, (Mrs.) Isabel Budosky, (Miss) Helene | | | Barinas, () William Blashock, (Mrs.) Eleanor Budosky, (Mrs.) Mary | | | Barkauskas, (Mrs.) Anna Blashock, (Jr.) Francis Budosky, (Miss) Mary Ann | | | Barkauskas, () Edward Blashock, (Sr.) Frank Budravage, () Anthony | | | Barlow, (Mrs.) Antoinette Blashock, (Sr.) Leon Budravage, (Mrs.) Margaret | | | Barno, (Mrs.) Mary Blashock, (Mrs.) Margaret Budrow, () Leon | | | Barrett, (Mrs.) Eleanor Blewis, (Mrs.) Anastasia Budusky, (Mrs.) Anna | | | Barrett, () Joseph Blewis, (Mrs.) Anna Budusky, (Sr.) Frank | | | Bartholomew, (Sr.) John Blewis, (Mrs.) Anna Budusky, (Jr.) Frank | | | Bartholomew, (Mrs.) Lillian Blewis, () Frank Budusky, () Irene | | | Bashus, (Mrs.) Antoinette Blewis, () Joseph Budusky, () Joseph | | | Bashus, (Mrs.) Irene Blewis, () Joseph Budusky, (Miss) Justine | | | Bashus, () John Blewis, (Sr.) Stanley Budusky, () Peter | | | Bashus, () Joseph Blewis, () Valeria Budusky, (Miss) Rose Marie | | | Bashus, (Mrs.) Theresa Bloss, (Mrs.) Sally Budusky, (Mrs.) Stella | | | Bassell, (Miss) Isabel Blugis, (Sr.) Adolph Bugdan, (Sr.) Edward | | | Bauser, () Albert Blugis, (Jr.) Adolph Bugdan, (Jr.) Edward | | | Bauser, () Albert Blugis, (Miss) Lois Martha Bugdan, () Helen | | | Bauser, (Miss) Aldona Bobbin, () Albert Bugdan, (Mrs.) Sophie | | | Bauser, (Mrs.) Anna Bobbin, (Mrs.) Clara Bugdanewicz, (Mrs.) Elizabeth | | | Bauser, (Mrs.) Beatrice Bobbin, (Sr.) John Bugdanewicz, () Francis | | | Bauser, () Clarence Bobbin, () Joseph Bugden, () Walter | | | Bauser, (Mrs.) Helen Bobbin, () Susan Buikus, (Mrs.) Catherine | | | Bauser, (Miss) Irene Bocys, (Mrs.) Anna Buikus, () Joseph | | | Bauser, () John Bogden, (Mrs.) Anna Bukowski, (Mrs.) Anna | | | Bauser, () Walter Bogden, () Joseph Bukowski, () John | | | Baxter, (Mrs.) Helen Bolich, (Mrs.) Adella Bunsavage, (Mrs.) Anna | | | Baxter, () John Bolich, (Mrs.) Anna Bunsavage, (Miss) Barbara Anna | | | Baxter, (Miss) Mary Bolich, (Miss) Mary Bunsavage, (Mrs.) Stasia | | | Bayless, (Mrs.) Anna Bonner, (Mrs.) Anna Burba, () Adam | | | Bayless, () Daniel Bonner, (Mrs.) Anna Burba, (Mrs.) Emily | | | Bayless, () John Bonner, () Joseph Burba, () John | | | Bayless, (Mrs.) Viola Bonner, () Michael Burbas, (Mrs.) Constance | | | Bazis, (Sr.) Albert Bordick, (Mrs.) Mary Burchess, (Mrs.) Anna | | | Bazis, (Mrs.) Eleanor Bordick, () Michael Burchess, () Leonard | | | Belavage, (Mrs.) Antoinette Bosavage, () Alfred Burkavage, (Mrs.) Regina | | | Beltz, (Mrs.) Margaret Bosavage, (Sr.) Lawrence Burke, (Mrs.) Elizabeth | | | Beltz, () Raymond Bosavage, (Jr.) Lawrence Burke, () Victor | | | Beltz, () William Bosavage, (Mrs.) Mary Burkevage, () Stanley | | | Bender, (Mrs.) Albert Bosavage, (Miss) Mildred Burkevage, (Mrs.) Stella | | | Bender, (Mrs.) Anna Bosavage, () Richard Burns, () Eleanor | | | Bender, (Mrs.) Helen Boublis, () Alexander Burns, () Francis | | | Bender, () John Boublis, (Mrs.) Anastasia Busila, () Edgar | | | Bender, () Joseph Boublis, (Sr.) Edward Busila, (Mrs.) Joann | | | Bender, (Mrs.) June Boublis, (Mrs.) Regina Butkauskas, (Mrs.) Agnes | | | Bender, (Mrs.) Ursula Boxter, () George Butkevage, () Joseph | | | Bender, (Sr.) William Boxter, () George Butkevage, (Mrs.) Martha | | | Bendinsky, (Mrs.) Catherine Boxter, (Mrs.) Helen Butrimovage, (Mrs.) Ella | | | Bendinsky, (Miss) Catherine Boxter, () Joseph Buzis, (Mrs.) Casimira | | | Today is Friday 28th of March 2025 06:39:13 pm (server time)
If you have a database or information that you would like
to put into our database, that pertains to Lithuanian genealogy, please
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