St. Casimir's Church
Funeral Records (Pittston, PA)

Compiled by: Anonymous
Website/Database design by: Richard Gostautas

All databases are copyrighted © 1999-2025 by LGGS.
Commercial use or reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.

The records in this database are a partial collection of information regarding the funeral records for St. Casimir's church. These records cover the years from 1897 to 1937 (a few years are missing). The records include the surname, given name, residence, age at time of death, place of birth (started recording some time in the 1930's), cause of death (if known), year of death (for years listed as zero - the person was less than 1 year old), and legibility. Legibility refers to the ability of the transcriber to decipher the records (pages were not in the best of shape and sometimes difficult to read) and ranked from 1-Good, 2-Fair and 3-Poor. LGGS does NOT have access or copies of these records. We received the information in a database from an anonymous contributer (whom we thank greatly).

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