Naturalization (Federal Courts)
State of Pennsylvania

Compiled by: Richard Gostautas
Website/Database design by: Richard Gostautas

All databases are copyrighted © 1999-2025 by LGGS.
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The information in this database has been extracted from the Naturalization records for the State of Pennsylvania currently found at the National Archives and Records Administration facility in Philadelphia, PA. At this time, the following information comes from the Name Index (1901-1990) for the Middle District of PA (Harrisburg, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Williamsport, etc.). The Name Index is found on microfilm and contains a snapshot of 3" x 5" notecards that contain the following information: Typically, across the top of the notecard is information that includes the petition# (Petition for Naturalization), volume#, and court where the petition was filed. This information is then followed by the surname, given name, address at the time the petition was filed, certificate# (Certificate of Naturalization), court where the petition was filed, place of birth, date of birth, point of arrival, date of arrival, date of naturalization, and the name and address of the witnesses present at the time of the petition.

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(Total Number of Records in Database: 15)

Tamulewicz, John
Address: 27 Willow Ave., Carbondale, PA
Petition Information: P#: 25882, Dist., Scranton
Certification#: 4645633    Location: U.S. Dist., Scranton
Place of Birth: Poland    Date of Birth: 21-Dec-1885
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 10-Apr-1907
Date of Naturalization: 21-Nov-1939
Chartak, 17 Willow Ave., Carbondale
King, 52 Willow Ave., Carbondale
Additional Information: OF-D-COA_DEC_PET
Tomosaitis, Joseph
Address: 610 Mineral Ave, Scranton, PA
Petition Information: P#: 29206, Vol 109, Scranton
Certification#: 5310975    Location: U.S. Dist. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Lithuania    Date of Birth: 15-Oct-1891
Port of Arrival: Philadelphia, PA
Date of Arrival: 18-Oct-1911
Date of Naturalization: 28-Jun-1943
Frank Butkus, Scranton
Andrew Kozak, Scranton
Additional Information:
Thomas, John
Address: 614 Oak St., Old Forge, PA
Petition Information: P#: DEC 13349,
Certification#:    Location: U.S. Dist. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Villinskie, Russia    Date of Birth: 20-May-1889
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 30-Apr-1911
Date of Naturalization:
Additional Information: OF-X_DEC
Tomulaitis, John
Address: 15 Dock Lane, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Petition Information: P#: 1784, Vol 6, US Dist., Wilkes-Barre
Certification#: 6358829    Location: U.S. Wilkes-Barre
Place of Birth: Lithuania    Date of Birth: 15-Jun-1881
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 28-Sep-1903
Date of Naturalization: 19-Apr-1944
Anthony Baranuskas, Wilkes-Barre
William Tomolitis, Wilkes-Barre
Additional Information:
Tomalavitch, Mary
Address: 1108 Meade Ave, Scranton, PA
Petition Information: P#: 24312, Vol 95, Dist. Scranton
Certification#: 4342785    Location: U.S. Dist. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Lithuania    Date of Birth: 02-Feb-1902
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 08-Jul-1904
Date of Naturalization: 16-Nov-1937
Joseph Tonkeliavicius, Scranton
Anna Kavalauskas, Scranton
Additional Information:
Tomulinas, Antoinette
Address: 17 Hurbane Street, Kingston, PA
Petition Information: P#: 3287, Vol 11, Wilkes-Barre
Certification#: 6359695    Location: U.S. Dist. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Lithuania    Date of Birth: 13-Jun-1892
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 1901
Date of Naturalization: 30-Aug-1945
Emily Jay Jones, Pringle
Johanna Savage, Kingston
Additional Information:
Tomas (Tomasaitis), Jonas
Address: 1013 Tripp Street, Scranton, Lackawanna, PA
Petition Information: P#: 21143, Vol 82, Dist. Scranton
Certification#: 3274253    Location: U.S. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Lithuania    Date of Birth: 23-Apr-1892
Port of Arrival: Philadelphia, PA
Date of Arrival: 22-Nov-1912
Date of Naturalization: 19-Jun-1930
Joseph Lozaunikas, Scranton
John Andrukaitis, Scranton
Additional Information:
Tonkeliavicinus, Joseph
Address: 118 Green Ridge Street, Scranton, PA
Petition Information: P#: 14806, Vol 60, Dist. Scranton
Certification#: 2045277    Location: U.S. Dist. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Russia, Lith.    Date of Birth: 19-Jul-1893
Port of Arrival: Philadelphia, PA
Date of Arrival: 11-Feb-1913
Date of Naturalization: 15-Jan-1925
Simon Melada, Scranton
Joseph Semanis, Scranton
Additional Information:
Tomaschimas, Peter
Address: 418 Main Street, Simpson, PA
Petition Information: P#: 30794, Vol 114, Scranton
Certification#: 5567007    Location: U.S. Dist. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Lithuania    Date of Birth: 17-Sep-1888
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 16-Nov-1909
Date of Naturalization: 07-Mar-1944
Bernard A. Washeleski, Simpson
Chester Stungia, Simpson
Additional Information:
Tonkeliavicius, Martha Catherine
Address: 118 Green Ridge Street, Scranton, PA
Petition Information: P#: 24035, Vol 94, Dist. Scranton
Certification#: 4342728    Location: U.S. Dist. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Lithuania    Date of Birth: 20-Oct-1893
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 08-Jul-1904
Date of Naturalization: 29-Jun-1937
Peter Pestinikis, Scranton
Peter B. Smetana, Scranton
Additional Information:
Tomasuinas, Vincent
Address: 170 W Grant Street, Exeter, PA
Petition Information: P#: 3175, Vol 11, Wilkes-Barre
Certification#: 6359581    Location: U.S. Dist. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Lithuania    Date of Birth: 15-Sep-1892
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 23-Oct-1911
Date of Naturalization: 30-Aug-1945
Stanley Sibulsky, Exeter
Ignatz Yuchnis, Exeter
Additional Information:
Tumilis, Peter
Address: 13 Silvey St., Ashley, PA
Petition Information: P#: 3255, Vol 11, W.B.
Certification#: 6359779    Location: U.S. Dist. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Russia    Date of Birth: 22-Dec-1880
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 26-Oct-1898
Date of Naturalization: 31-Jan-1946
Natalie Maciejaszek, Ashley
Stanley Mihalcik, Ashley
Additional Information:
Tomaszaitis, Wincent
Petition Information: P#: DEC, Vol. 4, p. 231
Certification#:    Location:
Place of Birth:    Date of Birth:
Port of Arrival:
Date of Arrival:
Date of Naturalization:
Additional Information: DEC
Turonis, Florence
Address: 150 Gordon Ave., Carbondale, PA
Petition Information: P#: 23019, Vol 90, Dist., Scranton
Certification#: 3758374    Location: U.S. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Lithuania    Date of Birth: 06-Dec-1893
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 26-Sep-1906
Date of Naturalization: 09-Oct-1935
Mathew A. Langan, Carbondale
John Garbera?, Simpson
Additional Information:
Tomaszunas, John
Address: 70 Champ Street, Pittston, PA
Petition Information: P#: 5968, Vol 24, Dist. Scranton
Certification#: 635669    Location: U.S. M.D. of PA
Place of Birth: Lith., Russia    Date of Birth: 15-Jul-1880
Port of Arrival: New York, NY
Date of Arrival: 12-Jul-1901
Date of Naturalization: 27-Jan-1916
Peter Bernackas, Pittston
Thomas Walasinas, Pittston
Additional Information:
Petition Information: P#: ,
Certification#:    Location:
Place of Birth:    Date of Birth:
Port of Arrival:
Date of Arrival:
Date of Naturalization:
Additional Information:
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