Lithuanian Cemetery Records
State of Michigan

Compiled by: The Late George Rodgers
Website/Database design by: Richard Gostautas

All databases are copyrighted © 1999-2025 by LGGS.
Commercial use or reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.

This page contains a PARTIAL listing of those buried at various cemeteries throughout the State of Michigan. Not all listings are Lithuanian and some of them have been provided by individual family members. If you would like to contribute to this listing please follow the instructions for sending in your information and adding it to our database. We ask that you follow these instructions carefully so that we can process each submission in an efficient manner.

Instructions: Please send an email to us HERE with the following information:
1) For the subject enter: MI Cemetery Records
2) In the body of the email please include:

  • First name:
  • Surname (included maiden name if known/applicable):
  • Date of birth:
  • Date of death:
  • Inscription on headstone (if applicable):
  • Name, address and county of cemetery (if known):
  • Additional information: This information could include history of the cemetery, etc.
  • If you have any photos of the headstone or the cemetery, please attach these to your email with a short description of each photo so that we can include it in future upgrades to this webpage.

    NOTE: If you are submitting information on more than one individual, please send all information in the same email so that we can keep better track of submissions that have already been processed. We look forward to hearing from you!

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    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Original View
    (Total Number of Records in Database: 8)

    Janulis, Adelle T.
    Date of Birth: 1908     Date of Death: 1988
    Cemetery Location: Allegan Catholic Cemetery, Allegan County
    Juodaitis, Joseph
    Date of Birth: 1884     Date of Death: 1938
    Cemetery Location: Lakeside Eden Twp. Cemetery, Mason County
    Janulis, Albin J.
    Date of Birth: 1900     Date of Death: 1958
    Cemetery Location: Allegan Catholic Cemetery, Allegan County
    Jurgalunis, Justine
    Date of Birth: 1872     Date of Death: 1929
    Cemetery Location: Holy Cross Cemetery, Kent County
    Date of Birth:      Date of Death:
    Inscription: [See Antanina Bobinas]
    Cemetery Location:
    Jurgalunis, Konstanty
    Date of Birth: 1870     Date of Death: 1943
    Cemetery Location: Holy Cross Cemetery, Kent County
    Juodaitis, Eva
    Date of Birth: 1894     Date of Death: 1986
    Cemetery Location: Lakeside Eden Twp. Cemetery, Mason County
    Jurgalunis, Konstanty
    Date of Birth: 1907     Date of Death: 1921
    Cemetery Location: Holy Cross Cemetery, Kent County
    Today is Friday 28th of March 2025 04:13:11 pm (server time)

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    If you have a database or information that you would like to put into our database, that pertains to Lithuanian genealogy, please contact us at