Peter & Paul Parish (Lithuanian)
520 Myrtle St NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Phone: (616) 454-6000 Fax: (616) 454-4532
If you have additional information or records for this church, or
churches in the surrounding area, and/or cemeteries, please
contact us!
The original database sorted this information by surname and then
by household. For this updated database, to determine if a person was
listed individually in the church membership records, or as part of
a household, click on the surname of interest. This will open a new
window and will list all members of the same household. You may also
search these records by clicking on the letter of the surname of interest.
Connected successfully A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Original View (Total Number of Records in Database:
Udris, Jokubas | Urbanavicius, Adomas | Urbonas, Jieva | Ugenskas, Juozapas | Urbanavicius, Aleksandras | Urbonas, Juozapas | Ugenskas, Malvina | Urbanavicius, Aniele | Urbonas, Ona | Ulinskas, Kazimieras | Urbanavicius, Benediktas | Urbonas, Stasys | Ulinskas, Pranas | Urbanavicius, Marijona | Uzas, Antanas | Undraitis, Eleanor | Urbanavicius, Nikodemas | Uzas, Jonas | Undraitis, Elsie | Urbanavicius, Zigmantas | Uzas, Juozapas | Undraitis, Juozapas | Urbonas, Alexandras | Uzas, Juozapas | Undraitis, Juozapas | Urbonas, Alexandras | Uzas, Lucija | Undraitis, Marijona | Urbonas, Aniele | Uzas, Marijona | Undraitis, Vincent | Urbonas, Ignas | Uzas, Ona | Urbaitis, Juozapas | Urbonas, Ignas | Uzas, Stase | Today is Saturday 29th of March 2025 01:14:18 pm (server time)
If you have a database or information that you would like
to put into our database, that pertains to Lithuanian genealogy, please
contact us at