Draugas & Naujienos (Obituaries)
Lithuanian newspapers (Chicago)

Compiled by/Lookup requests: Robin Neuman, Arleen Gould
Website/Database design by: Richard Gostautas

All databases are copyrighted © 1999-2024 by LGGS.
Commercial use or reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.

The following database is an index of names that were found in either the Draguas or Naujienos Lithuanian Newspapers published in Chicago.

All of us realize the importance of obituary notices in newspapers. Obits may reveal spouse's names, maiden names, family member names, and in some cases the kaimas[town] of birth or even the parish name in Lithuania.

Draugas” (“The Friend”) is the only Lithuanian Daily that has been published abroad since July 25,1909 and is the oldest continuously published Lithuanian newspaper. Draugas is published daily (12 pages) except for Monday and Sunday. The Saturday issue runs 24 pages and includes a supplement on “Art, Literature, Science”.

The following database gives the names and the date the obit was published in either newspaper. Please note that not all of the listings are obituary notices. There are notices for the anniversary of the death and also a published thank-you from the family after the funeral. The notices primarily cover Chicago but notices from other states and from Lithuanian can also be found.

Current notices in Draugas cover the years from 1921-1935 and 1917-1918 for Naujienos. A sample of an obituary can be seen in the image on the right.

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(Total Number of Records in Database: 15)

Wabal, Juoz. Pranciskis
Date of obituary: 19-Jul-1924
Newspaper: Draugas
Wasilewski, Marija
Date of obituary: 15-Oct-1929
Newspaper: Draugas
Wolowskiene, Aleksandra
Date of obituary: 08-May-1926
Newspaper: Draugas
Waisnoras, Edvardas
Date of obituary: 04-Sep-1928
Newspaper: Draugas
Wazgird, Antanas
Date of obituary: 03-Dec-1929
Newspaper: Draugas
Woolberkas, Antanas
Date of obituary: 26-Mar-1930
Newspaper: Draugas
Waitkus, Monika
Remarks: Waitkus-Baniene
Date of obituary: 13-Jul-1926
Newspaper: Draugas
Wazgiro, Antanas
Date of obituary: 30-Nov-1929
Newspaper: Draugas
Woolberkas, Antanas
Date of obituary: 03-Apr-1930
Newspaper: Draugas
Walinchus, Vincentas
Date of obituary: 20-Oct-1928
Newspaper: Draugas
Wiltrakis, Jonas
Date of obituary: 25-Apr-1930
Newspaper: Draugas
Woveris, Mykolas
Date of obituary: 08-Mar-1930
Newspaper: Draugas
Wasilauskiene, Marijona
Date of obituary: 14-Oct-1929
Newspaper: Draugas
Wistart, Simonas
Date of obituary: 15-Jan-1929
Newspaper: Draugas
Woveris, Veronika
Date of obituary: 07-Sep-1928
Newspaper: Draugas
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