Connecticut Vital Records
Compiled by: Ed Sedgwick
Database Upgrade Volunteer:
Website/Database design by: Richard Gostautas

All databases are copyrighted © 1999-2025 by LGGS for Ed Sedwick. Commercial use or reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.

The records found on this website are from Connecticut towns and include only Marriage and Death Records. Some records are incomplete as information was taken from indexes rather than certificates. You may find some duplication of records because data is compiled from four different locations [residences of bride and groom, town in which marriage took place, and State records]. Also, some duplicates arise from spelling variations. These records are only a small sample of records available through the state.

NOTE: Actual records are NOT included on this website. There are 169 towns in Connecticut with Vital Records Offices in which the registrar is responsible for maintaining a registry of all births, marriages, death and civil unions that occur within the town. If a "State" certified copy of a record is not needed, you can contact the local records office in the town where the event occurred. A directory of towns can be found here.


Marriage records before 1890 do not generally include parents' names. The bride's father's surname is not included unless it is different [as in a re-marriage]. We have these records on a data base in order to sort, so the block for the father's surname is filled with the daughter's surname repeated. Thus, many of the father's surnames end in -ciute [maiden name].

Most older records required only one of the couple appear for the license, usually the groom. Apparently the grooms did not always have all of the information which should have been on the license. Often the bride's mother's maiden name is not listed.

M = Marriage
D = Death

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(Total Number of Records in Database: 9)

NameName(s) of Parents/SpouseRecord Location
Event Location
Eidukynas, Motiejus    Age: 31
Birthplace: Lithuania
Event: M    Date: 1/19/1917
F: Jonas Eidukynas
M: Ona Boziute
S: Emilya Karaziejute
R: Waterbury
E: St. Joseph
Eidukynas, Motiejus    Age: 31
Birthplace: Lithuania
Event: M    Date: 2/19/1917
F: Jonas Eidukynas
M: Eva Boziute
S: Emilija Karaziejute
R: Waterbury
E: St. Joseph
Equiliewich, Adam    Age: 21
Event: M    Date: 9/28/1914
S: Elizabeth Walukaytis
R: E. Windsor
Erber, John    Age: 31
Birthplace: Poland
Event: D    Date: 03/20/1895
Notes: sgl.
R: Waterbury
Erlickis, Joseph    Age: 24
Birthplace: Lithuania
Event: M    Date: 9/9/1902
F: Joseph Erlickis
M: Ursula Montvidis
S: Mary Szimanaicziute
R: Waterbury
E: St. Joseph
Escheshat, Christina    Age: 23
Birthplace: Russia
Event: M    Date: 10/7/1916
F: Mikara Escheshat
M: Lena Wishnewska
S: Peter Belomyzy
R: Greenwich
E: Rev.Zaychenko
Eselunas, Frank    Age: 76
Birthplace: Russia
Event: D    Date: 10/26/1957
Notes: b.1881
R: S. Windsor
Eunauskoy, Anthony    Age:
Birthplace: S. Windsor
Event: D    Date: 1/5/1914
Notes: b.11/22/13
F: Joseph Eunauskoy
M: Mary Eikewich
R: S. Windsor
Evans, Joseph    Age: 27
Birthplace: Waterbury
Event: M    Date: 7/24/1937
F: John Evans
M: Mary Healy
S: Estille Vitkus
R: Waterbury
Today is Friday 28th of March 2025 01:05:27 pm (server time)

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